Amy Harding

I just wanted to share this with you. Just over 1 year ago I lost my sweet baby girl Millie ( born the 24.11.2014 , passed the 25.11.2014) . I had 33 hours with her before she passed away. With all the upset and everything going on.
A lovely social worker gave us a lot of things. One was a beautiful little box , with this amazing little gown in it. My partner and I had decided not to change Millie as we already had her in a change of clothes and wrapped in a shirt we both wore while we had her with us.
I had wanted to find a bear to go in it before the 1year anniversary, and have it displayed for then, we went to build a bear and found one we liked, and also have a recording of Millie's actual heart beat placed inside.
My two other kids helped at build a bear to fill the bear with love . It's just so lovely with the organisation that you guys do, sadly I'm a family that has had to walk this path. It's a beautiful gift to have these gowns to choose to have our little ones dressed in for the final goodbye, or to keep and have a gorgeous bear ( as I have done ) to keep.
Thank you so much to everyone apart of angel gown team. Amy